Aaron Forbes

Cybersecurity home defense: how to secure your WFH network

Nearly ten years ago, the workforce saw the popularity of the Bring Your Own Device or BYOD trend rise in the workplace—significantly enough that 70% of businesses have developed BYOD policies. On top of this, the app explosion of 2013 led to the need for businesses to further manage this additional onslaught of data.

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Hannah Aronoff

Minim mobile app features spotlight: share my WiFi and more

The Minim® mobile app allows WiFi users the ability to both personalize and optimize their home network, so that stuff "just works." The Minim app's network view contains several key management and diagnostics goodies which we'll be going over in this blog.

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David Aronoff

Top 5 IoT vulnerability exploits in the smart home [list]

We all know how important it is to safeguard our data. Data breaches can cost companies millions of dollars in loss and put individuals in a corner. Preventing data loss and keeping hackers at bay is important, but when it means your privacy at home can be affected by smartphone and IoT devices, it can be even more crucial to put safety first. Here's our list of the top five most exploited ...

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Alec Rooney

VPN: from protector to attack conduit in the new remote work era

According to NPR, about a third of Americans are now working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. This unique challenge presents new problems for corporate IT and Information Security departments who provide the support their employees need while working from home. Arguably, the biggest challenge they face is providing support for their employees’ home networks.

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Nicole Zheng

Cable Haunt detection by Minim

What is Cable Haunt? Last week, news broke out of a critical vulnerability in hundreds of millions of Broadcom cable modems around the world.

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Samantha Albano

Home network security monitoring: CISA looks to identify owners of vulnerable devices

Our home network security monitoring series is back with the recent news of a government agency looking to make service providers be obligated to share the contact information for subscribers who own vulnerable devices.

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Samantha Albano

Home network security monitoring: IoT security regulations update

As the consumer IoT installed base is expected to reach 13 billion units by 2020, we've seen some noteworthy IoT safety legal movements in the past few months. In this issue of our home network security monitoring series, we provide an update on the latest proposed IoT security regulations.

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Build an IoT hub with Minim Labs and a Raspberry Pi 3 [Guide]

At Minim, we think everyone should have the tools they need to monitor their home wireless network. We just launched Minim Labs, giving everyone the ability to install the Minim agent, known as Unum, on their routers and signup for platform access. Usually, this implies running some variation of OpenWrt on your router, but all you need is a Raspberry Pi and a Minim Labs account (free)!

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Nicole Zheng

Home network security monitoring [November 2018]

In the past few months, we've seen major connected device vulnerabilities make headlines. At Minim, IoT security is always top of mind, so we're kicking off a home network security monitoring series. Take a look at what caught our eye.

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